When you are starting out on the Internet and just putting together your first website or blog it is very important that you choose the right webhost.
First, there is the Shared Web Hosting UK. This type of hosting means a location is shared by many websites. All the websites in a shared server will share the resources such as space, bandwidth, IP address and so on.
Some web hosting companies provide dedicated servers to their clients. This means that the entire server will be for your use alone. This is expensive, but it is more stable compared to shared servers. If you're on a tight on the coin you want to spend, you can take advantage of the Shared Web Hosting UK-server arrangement. You just need to know how many accounts are sharing the space, since the speed and the download times of your website will be affected by the performance of other websites from the same server.
Up-time is the over all time the hosting company promises that their servers will be up and running. Some claim to have 100% up-time, but I find that to be almost impossible to have so I tend to go with the ones claiming a 99,9% up-time. This tells us that even though they take back-ups, have mirrored servers and all other stuff to keep the servers safe and running, there is always a small possibility that the servers can go down.
Quick Affordable Web Hosting provides many benefits. Who likes to dwell and wait whilst a web page loads? It is said that a page must load in less than one second or you risk losing your website visitor. Websites are becoming increasingly sophisticated with images and sound as well as instant contact support, so your hosting really does need to be quick.
Look for the reviews, take the companies for test (almost every web hosting company provides 30 days money back guarantee). In a good web hosting company, a very important step is to test the credibility.
99.99% more active: Many web hosts are to ensure the time to 99. 99%, but then they are more expensive and must be chosen if required as commercial web sites.